Kc Concepcion Y Paulo Avelino Que Datanon

Carlos, Ramiro, German, Mayer, Enrique, Fermín, Avelino, Remigio,. Tomás y Javier. administradores que gestionaban la estación en campo, a Juan Pablo, month before conception, e.g. A. geoffroyi cycles (Campbell & Gibson,. ) be very interesting to gather more data on social interactions, but it seems. Rosa Cimas Cuevas, Pablo Fernández. Saez. Avelino Corma Canós ( Instituto de Tecnología Química,. Valencia). FECHA: 16 de Dª Concepción Romero Martínez C. First data on Eurasian wild boar response to oral immunization with BCG and AUTORES: J. MIRET, J. NIETO, google.com, KC. Pablo Durán Sánchez, así como de autoridades y representantes de la .. dispone el cese de: D. Manuel Anguita Peragón, D. ª Concepción Choclán Sabina, .. Avelino Corma Canós (anexo 5). Anjum Iqbaj, M; Cano-Ortiz, Ana ; Del Río, S; Herrero, L; Kersebaum, Kc; Penas, A Big Data on Real-World Applications. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepción, Chile . S. Wehrtmann, Patricio M. Arana, Edward Barriga, Adolfo Gracia& Paulo Ricardo Pezzuto Avelino Muñoz, Elio Segovia & Héctor Flores Araújo-Silva, K.C., M . Ramos-Porto, I.H.A. Cintra, A.P. Data on spat collection density and specimen size. Pablo Durán Sánchez, así como de autoridades y representantes de la .. dispone el cese de: D. Manuel Anguita Peragón, D. ª Concepción Choclán Sabina, .. Avelino Corma Canós (anexo 5). Anjum Iqbaj, M; Cano-Ortiz, Ana ; Del Río, S; Herrero, L; Kersebaum, Kc; Penas, A Big Data on Real-World Applications. Mauricio Pietrocola Universidad de Sao Paulo (Brasil) .. Erroneous Ideas And Limited Conception Of The Ph Concept .. As the data on [24] Fernandes, K. C., Construção de um radiotelescópio Avelino Marcante.

The collected information in this review attempts to summarize the recent developments in the ethnobotany, biological activities, and secondary metabolite chemistry of this genus. More than structures of natural products from Tithonia are reported in this review.

The species that has been most kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon in this genus is T. Biological studies are described to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimalarial, antiviral, antidiabetic, antidiarrhoeal, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, vasorelaxant, cancer-chemopreventive, cytotoxic, toxicological, bioinsecticide, and repellent activities.

A few of these studies have been carried out with isolated compounds from Tithonia species, but the majority has been kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon with different extracts. The relationship between the biological activity and the toxicity of compounds isolated from the plants of this genus as well as T. Merril à l'apport des biomasses vertes de Tithonia Nutrition of Tithonia diversifolia and attributes of the soil fertilized with biofertilizer in irrigated system.

Full Text Available ABSTRACT The fertilization with biofertilizer associated with the use of irrigation favors nutrient uptake by plants and soil chemical properties; however, these effects are little studied in Tithonia diversifolia in semiarid regions. This study evaluated the effect of doses of bovine biofertilizer and irrigation on accumulation of nutrients in the leaves of Tithonia diversifolia plants and on soil chemical attributes.

The study was carried out from December 3, to November 28,and arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, consisting of five doses of bovine biofertilizer 0, 40, 80, and m3 ha-1, combined with and without irrigation. The experiment was set in a randomized block design, using three replicates. However, the high bicarbonate concentration in the irrigation water and the occurrence of rainfall during the second crop increased the accumulation of Cu in the leaves of Tithonia diversifolia under rainfed condition, compared with irrigated plants.

The increase in biofertilizer doses contributed to the increment of base saturation and the contents of organic matter, P kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon K in soil. Statistical optimization of process parameters for inulinase production from Tithonia weed by Arthrobacter mysorens strain no. Tithonia rotundifolia is an easily available and abundant inulin rich weed reported to be competitive and allelopathic. This weed inulin is hydrolyzed by inulinase into fructose.

Response surface methodology was employed to optimize culture conditions for the inulinase production from Arthrobacter mysorens strain no. Initially, Plackett- Burman design was used for screening 11 nutritional parameters for inulinase production including inulin containing weeds as cost effective substrate.

The kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon shows that amongst the 11 parameters studied, K 2 HPO 4Inulin, Agave sisalana extract and Tithonia rotundifolia were the most significant variables for inulinase production. Quantitative effects of these 4 factors were kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon investigated using Box Behnken design. The medium having 0. The optimization strategies used showed 2. Thus Tithonia rotundifolia can be used as an eco-friendly, economically feasible and promising alternative substrate for commercial inulinase production yielding fructose from Arthrobacter mysorens strain no.

Regulating mineralization rates of Tithonia diversifolia and Lantana camara prunings to improve phosphorus availability in calcareous soils. Full Text Available The effect of mixing of Tithonia diversifolia and Lantana camara prunings to improve synchronization between P released from the prunings with crop demand for P was studied in a laboratory and in a glasshouse.

Results of the study kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon that the pruning mixtures decomposed and mineralized faster than that of Lantana camara pruning only, but slower than that of Tithonia diversifolia pruning only. The amount of P released from the pruning mixtures increased with increasing proportion of Tithonia diversifolia pruning in the mixtures. Increasing proportion of Tithonia diversifolia pruning in the mixture applied to the soil increased the amount of P taken up by maize.

Enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes cubanos afectados por Ataxia de Friedreich. Al describir la ataxia de Friedreich, Nicholaus hizo referencia a la patología cardiaca. La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de describir las anomalías cardiovasculares presentes en los pacientes cubanos afectados por ataxia de Friedreich. A los individuos con diagnóstico molecular Effects of Tithonia diversifolia, farmyard manure and urea, and phosphate fertiliser application methods on maize yields in western Kenya.

Full Text Available Maize production in western Kenya is often limited by deficiencies of nitrogen and phosphorus. We assessed the effectiveness kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Tithonia diversifolia green manure tithoniafarmyard manure FYM and urea as sources of nitrogen N for maize when inorganic phosphorus P fertiliser was either broadcast BR or spot-placed in the planting hole SP for two consecutive seasons; October to December of and April to August of at two sites; Nyabeda and Khwisero in western Kenya.

A randomised complete block design with four replications was used. Maize yields were higher at Nyabeda and responded to P application better than at Khwisero. At the same N rate, tithonia and FYM were as effective as urea in increasing maize yields at both sites.

There were no significant differences in maize yields when phosphate fertiliser was either BR or SP regardless of the N source used in the first season.

However, in the second season, the residual yields for the BR treatments were consistently higher than those of the SP. Our results suggest that tithonia and FYM can substitute for urea as N kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon and that fertiliser P should be broadcast and incorporated together with the organic materials at the time of planting to save on labour costs.

The allelopathic effects of fresh shoot aqueous extract of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Gray, an invasive species introduced into Africa from North and Central America, on the growth of seedlings of three woody species: Monodora tenuifolia, Dialium guineense and Hildegardia barteri were investigated. The fresh shoot aqueous extract of Tithonia diversifolia was applied to the established seedlings of the three woody species over a period of ten weeks.

The fresh shoot aqueous extract of Tit Full Text Available The allelopathic effects of fresh shoot aqueous extract of Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon diversifolia Hemsl. The fresh shoot aqueous extract of Tithonia diversifolia had a significant effect inhibitory and stimulatory on growth parameters such as shoot hThe allelopathic effects of fresh shoot aqueous kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.

The fresh shoot aqueous extract of Tithonia diversifolia had a significant effect inhibitory and stimulatory on growth parameters such as shoot height, leaf area, number of leaves and chlorophyll content of the three woody species. The study revealed that the fresh shoot aqueous extract of Tithonia diversofolia have different effects inhibitory and stimulatory on the seedlings and the mode of action depends on the associated woody plant species. A Gray en la producción de vacas lecheras.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el uso potencial de la Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Gray botón de oro en la alimentación de vacas lecheras en el trópico alto colombiano. Full Text Available The research of Tithonia diversifolia utilization in the paddy soil that was fertilized P-starter on yield and N, P, K uptake on rice crop, has been conducted from August to December The objective of this research was to determine an interaction between P-starter levels, and tithonia levels on production and N, P, K element uptake of rice crop.

The research was pot experiment in the green house in factorial design 4 x 4. The second factor was 4 levels of P-starter 0, 2, 4, and 6 kg P ha Effect of T3 treatment was not significantly differences with T2 treatment on the grain yield. Novel anthraquinone derivatives produced by Phoma sorghina, an endophyte found in association with the medicinal plant Tithonia diversifolia Asteraceae.

Three known anthraquinones 1,7-dihydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinone, 1,6-dihydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinone and 1-hydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinoneone new anthraquinone 1,7-dihydroxyhydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinoneand two new hexahydroanthraquinone derivatives, dendryols E and F, were isolated from the culture of the endophytic fungus Phoma sorghina, found in association with Tithonia diversifolia Asteraceae.

Their structures were identified on the basis of spectroscopic da Repeated-dose toxicological studies of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Gray has been commonly used in folk medicine to treat abscesses, microbiological infections, snake bites, malaria and diabetes. Both anti-inflammatory and anti-malarial properties have been identified using appropriate assays, but the effective doses have demonstrated toxic effects for the experimental animals.

Most of the pharmacological activities have been attributed to sesquiterpene lactones STLs and some chlorogenic acid derivatives CAs in the leaves of this species. The purpose of this work was to provide insights into the identity of the compounds responsible for the toxic effects of Tithonia diversifolia.

The toxicity of each extract was evaluated in a repeated-dose toxicity study in Wistar rats for 90 days. However, the Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon and LRE demonstrated several adverse effects by damaging the liver and kidneys, respectively.

STLs and CAs can be toxic in prolonged use at higher doses in extracts prepared from Tithonia diversifolia by affecting the kidneys and liver. Full Text Available Al describir la ataxia de Friedreich, Nicholaus hizo referencia a la patología cardiaca. A los individuos con diagnóstico molecular confirmatorio de la enfermedad se les realizó electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma, así como evaluación clínica mediante escalas validadas internacionalmente: Los trastornos de repolarización ventricular difusos, los trastornos de conducción intraauricular, así como los trastornos de la función diastólica resultaron hallazgos frecuentes.

El patrón restrictivo apreciado provee evidencia invivo de que la enfermedad conduce a disfunción diastólica del ventrículo izquierdo. El comercio azucarero cubano y la segunda guerra mundial. A partir de las condiciones creadas por la contienda bélica, se examinan las modificaciones introducidas en la regulación de intercambio que conducen a la creación de un mecanismo de venta global de la zafra azucarera a Estados Unidos, así como el desarrollo de las conflictivas negociaciones en torno a ese procedimiento, influidas por las tendencias que se manifestaban en Cuba respecto a la política comercial y el futuro de la producción azucarera.

An analysis of the impact of Second World War on Cuban sugar commerce. Since years before the war, Cuba regulated sugar exports in connection with the American sugar quotas and the International Sugar Agreement signed in London, in The current article studies the adaptation of this sugar trade system to the war conditions, mainly when Cuba sold the whole sugar harvest to the U.

Full Text Available Tithonia diversifolia and cassava bran are two food resources that noted for their protein and energy levels, respectively. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response performance of broilers fed diets containing T. We used females chickens, which were housed in 15 pens and each pen was assigned to the treatments according to a randomized experimental design.

The treatments consisted of three diets that were supplied to birds between 35 and 56 d of age: Silage supply did not affect live weight at 56 d of age, but resulted in a reduction in concentrate consumption P Biological activities from extracts of endophytic fungi isolated from Viguiera arenaria and Tithonia diversifolia. The isolates were identified based on their ribosomal DNA sequences. The ethyl acetate EtOAc extracts of all endophytic fungi were evaluated for their antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antitumoral activity.

Antimicrobial screening was conducted using an agar diffusion assay against three pathogenic microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. Antitumoral activity was tested against human T leukemia cells by the Mosmann colorimetric method. All extracts showed activity in at least one assay: The cytotoxic extract produced by the strain VA1 Glomerella cingulata was fractionated and yielded nectriapyrone and tyrosol.

Nectriapyrone showed relevant cytotoxic activity against both human T leukemia and melanoma tumor cell lines. Effect on of in vitro fermentation of mixture of Tithonia diversifolia, Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon clandestinum and polyunsaturated fats.

Combinations of lipid kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon were: A source of bypass fat GSP was also used. The methane production in vitro decreased p Phytotoxic property of the invasive plant Tithonia diversifolia and a phytotoxic substance.

Gray is a perennial invasive plant and spreads quickly in the invasive areas. The extracts of T. However, there is limited information available for the effects of T. We investigated the allelopathic potential of T. An aqueous methanol extract of T. The extract was then purified by several chromatographic runs and a phytotoxic substance with allelopathic activity was isolated and identified by spectral analysis as tagitinin C.

The substance inhibited the growth of Lolium multiflorum, Phleum pratense and Echinochloa crus-galli at concentrations greater than 0. The present results suggest that T. The allelopathic potential kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon T. Full Text Available A research was done to investigate the advantages of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Gray and Moringa oleifera Lamk leaves as protein source in ruminant concentrate on in-vitro rumen metabolism.

Randomized Block Design with 4 treatments and 5 replications was applied in this experiment. Parameters measured were gas production after 0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours incubation, degradability of organic matter DBK and dry matter DBO, NH3, total VFA concentration, and microbe biomass production mg after 48 hours incubation.

Results showed that Moringa oleifera replaced some Tithonia diversifolia in concentrate could improve gas production, total VFA concentration, DBK and DBO significantly P Novel anthraquinone derivatives produced by Phoma sorghina, an endophyte found in association with the medicinal plant Tithonia diversifolia Asteraceae.

Three known anthraquinones 1,7-dihydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinone, 1,6-dihydroxy- kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon and 1-hydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinoneone new anthraquinone 1,7-dihydroxyhydroxymethyl-9,anthraquinoneand two new hexahydro anthraquinone derivatives, dendryols E and F, were isolated from the culture of the endophytic fungus Phoma sorghina, found in association with Tithonia diversifolia Asteraceae.

Faculdade de Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Farmaceuticas]. Poliposis adenomatosa familiar en niños cubanos. Full Text Available Introducción: Se incluyeron 15 niños, en los cuales se había establecido el diagnóstico de poliposis por colonoscopia, con confirmación histológica de adenomas.

Todos presentaron la forma florida, y en su gran mayoría, displasia de bajo grado en el momento del diagnóstico. La mayoría de los pacientes no se hab. La firmeza del personal cubano de la salud en Venezuela. Capriles ha llamado a sus seguidores, de forma solapada, a no reconocer la victoria de Maduro, y ha estimulado actos de violencia en todo el país. Algunos centros médicos donde trabajan colaboradores cubanos no han escapado de esa violencia.

Nuestros colaboradores, sin embargo, han seguido cumpliendo con su deber, por la razón que los llevó a la tierra de Bolívar: Pero nuestros hermanos cubanos no han estado solos. Somos cubanos y conocemos bien el espíritu de nuestros compatriotas. Six month-duration Tephrosia vogelii Hook. Gray planted-fallows for improving maize production in Kenya.

An experiment including planted Tephrosia vogelii and Tithonia diversifolia fallow species and natural fallow was conducted at Maseno, Kenya, for assessing whether these fallows grown on a nutrient depleted land could produce sufficient green manure in six month period, whether their biomass. Effect of Tithonia diversifolia mulch on Atta cephalotes Hymenoptera: Recent studies have shown an insecticidal effect of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.

Asteraceae foliage on workers of Atta cephalotes L. To evaluate the potential of T. Three treatments were randomly assigned to 30 nests: Physical and chemical parameters of nest soil were assessed before the first and after the last application of the mulch. Ant foraging in T. When the nests covered with T. In conclusion, the continued use of T. Full Text Available The soil seedbank of Tithonia diversifolia, an invasive species which dominates open waste fallowland vegetation was studied.

Two different roadside sites which vary in extent of open waste land were selected. The species composition of the established vegetation was assessed in the two diferent sites. Twenty top soil samples were collected at five different distances 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm, and 75 cm inwards away from each main road in dry and rainy seasons and the seed bank composition was determined by greenhouse germination over a 6 month period.

The similarity between the composition of the seed bank flora and that of the established vegetation was low. The least and the highest emerged seedlings density was recorded in the 15 metres and 75 metres respectively inwards away from the main road in both seasons. The results of the seedlings emergence is a reflection of the extent of open waste land dominated by the invasive species due to human disturbance road construction on both sites.

Overall results suggest that the emergence of the species from the soil seed bank may be due to the impact of the invasive species Tithonia diversifolia on other plant species in the study environment.

Biolarvacidal activity of methanol extract of Kipahit leaves Tithonia diversifolia against larvae of Chrysomya bezziana fly. In general, synthetic insecticides were applied to control the disease. However, it causes negative impact on animal product, so that it is required to find an alternative treatment using herbal medicine. The aim of this study was to access activity of methanol extract of Kipahit leaves Tithonia diversifolia against various stages of C.

Five treatments were applied with five replications, i. Bioassay of L3 was to investigate effect of contact toxicity through soaking the larvae into the extract solution for 10 seconds followed by incubating in vermiculite at 36oC. All living larvae after being treated by various concentration of the extract were reared to pupae and allowed to emerge as imago.

Number of living larvae and pupae, pupae weight and number of imago were observed. It also caused to fail pupation and imago emergence. The further study might be pursued to investigate in vivo assay of the extract in infested livestock. Tuning-América Latina y su compatibilidad con el modelo curricular cubano. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar cómo las competencias genéricas acordadas por el proyecto Tuning son compatibles con el modelo curricular cubano que persigue la formación integral del profesional.

Se valora a partir de la experiencia de la licenciatura de química el desarrollo de las habilidades kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon capacidades de Tuning a partir de las diferentes actividades curriculares. Glauber Rocha e o cinema cubano. Las instituciones de guarda y cuidado en el ordenamiento familiar cubano.

kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon

Full Text Available El presente trabajo versa sobre la necesidad de regular en el Código de Familia cubano aquellas instituciones jurídicas de guarda y cuidado para complementar la capacidad de aquellas personas carentes de ella, o que la poseen, pero con limitaciones, en aras de impedir su indefensión. El objetivo es fundamentar los presupuestos teóricos normativos sobre las instituciones de guarda y cuidado en el ordenamiento jurídico familiar cubano.

Se trata de un estudio eminentemente teórico, el tipo de investigación es descriptiva y la metodología empleada, cualitativa. Este estudio arrojó como principal resultado la necesidad de regulación de las instituciones de guarda y cuidado en el Código de Familia cubano ante la existencia de sujetos del Derecho carentes de capacidad de obrar, o con capacidad restringida. Gray as a medicinal plant: A comprehensive review of its ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacotoxicology and clinical relevance.

Tithonia diversifolia TD is kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon valued in several cultures for its medicinal properties. A comprehensive review of the current understanding of this plant species is required due to emerging concerns over its efficacy, toxicity and kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon potential. We critically summarized the current evidence on the botany, traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacology and safety of TD, with the view to provide perspectives for developing more attractive pharmaceuticals of plant origin, but also to lay a new foundation for further investigations on this plant.

Then, we meticulously screened all titles, abstracts and full-texts to establish consistency in the application of inclusion criteria. Studies were considered for inclusion if they dealt with taxonomy, global distribution, local and traditional knowledge, phytochemistry, toxicity and biological effects.

Several studies conducted on cell lines and animals provided supporting evidence for some ethnomedicinal claims of extracts from TD. Short-term use of Tithonia extracts were effective and well-tolerated in animals when taken at lower doses. Both the toxic and therapeutic effects were attributed to bioactive principles naturally occurring in this species including sesquiterpene lactones, chlorogenic acid and flavonoids. However, more rigorously designed investigations are needed to recommend the whole plant or its active ingredients as a medication, and should focus on understanding the multi-target network pharmacology of the plant, clarifying the effective doses as well as identifying the potential interactions with prescribed drugs or.

Algumas memórias do cinema cubano mais polêmico. Desde PM até Fresa y chocolate [Morango e chocolate], passando por Un día de noviembre e Papeles secundarios, o texto se propõe a interpretar as nuanças de cada polêmica, enquanto descreve os aportes de tais filmes à fibra medular da cultura cubana.

Caracterización bromatológica de Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Gray en dos etapas de su ciclo fisiológico Bromatological characterization of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Gray in two stages of its physiological cycle. Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar bromatológicamente algunos componentes esenciales del valor nutritivo de Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.

Los indicadores medidos fueron: El follaje de tithonia presentó variaciones en su calidad nutritiva. The objective of the study was to characterize bromatologically some essential components of the nutritional value of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.

Gray in two stages of the physiological cycle 30 and 60 days, during kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon rainy RS and dry seasons DS. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with six treatments derived from the relationship between the edible fractions leaves, fresh stems and leaves plus fresh stems and the moments of the plant physiological cycle.

The indicators measured were: Full Text Available La Revolución cubana ha logrado avances significativos en la educación por la acertada visión estatal, basada en la igualdad y justicia social.

Son abordados con mayor profundidad los subsistemas de educación primaria y superior, para evidenciar cómo se expresa la inclusión desde la formación inicial hasta la universitaria, exponiéndose a su vez las particularidades del sector rural.

Caracterización molecular de un aislamiento cubano de parvovirus canino. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en caracterizar un aislamiento cubano de parvovirus canino, atenuado y adaptado a cultivo celular. El material genético fue amplificado por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y secuenciado posteriormente. Las secuencias obtenidas fueron analizadas y comparadas con secuencias de aislados y cepas conocidas depositadas en las bases de datos, donde se evidenció que el aislamiento cubano era del tipo VPC However, in Marcha representative of the oligarchy, Fulgencio Batista, conducted a military coup and the situation changed.

The following year, a group of young people led by Fidel Castro begin the armed struggle. The PSP did not understand this polical line and criticized it. This paper tries to explain the party's stance with respect to the political power at this period and the reasons why it could not lead the 50s revolution. Potencial forrajero de Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el uso potencial de la Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl.

El internacionalismo, la solidaridad y el interés mutuo: La contribución se basa en material de los archivos cubanos y alemanes, así como en entrevistas. La protección del ambiente a través del constitucionalismo cubano. Conceptos hasta hace poco desconocidos como ecología o reciclaje, han formado parte del vocabulario con toda normalidad, poniendo de manifiesto el eco y la aceptación que tiene todo aquello que lleve el calificativo de ambiental. Para contrarrestar los efectos dañinos que sobre el entorno ejercen los seres humanos se utilizan diversos mecanismos de protección ambiental.

La imagen de los destinos turísticos cubanos. Un acercamiento desde La Habana Vieja. The influence of filter mud compost and Tithonia diversifolia leaves on the dissipation of diuron in soils within the Nzoia River Drainage Basin, Kenya. The aim of the study was to evaluate the environmental impact of filter mud compost and Tithonia diversifoila amendments on the dissipation of diuron in sugarcane cultivated soils.

Filter mud compost is the kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon of sugarcane processing, while T. The dissipation of diuron was significantly enhanced with DT 50 of 15 and 16 days p diuron were recorded at the end of the experiment in the three treatments, respectively. The residues of 3,4-dichlorophenylmethylurea metabolite were El uso del gas natural cubano se afecta por su elevada concentración de H2S.

Los estudiosos de la cultura cubana no han dejado de usar la frase para afirmar el protagonismo de Del Monte en la gestación de la conciencia nacional. Full Text Available ResumenSe revisa y adopta un concepto propio para la elaboración del Mapa del Arte Rupestre Cubanoentendido como instrumento para el conocimiento de este patrimonio arqueológico, y de los datos comprobados en nuestro archipiélago.

AbstractIt revises and adopts a specific concept for Cuba's Rock Art Map, understood as a tool for knowledge of the archaeological heritage of the data recorded in our island.

It performs a historical introduction about the birth and evolution of mapping criteria for the Cuban rock art and it describes some models who exemplify the different experiences in the construction and operation phases, databases and types of maps made for obtaining final Cuban rock art map.

La fuente de fibra fue palmiche fruto de palma real, Roystonea regia H. Principales resultados del sistema cubano de farmacovigilancia en el año Full Text Available Se describe el funcionamiento y principales resultados del sistema cubano de farmacovigilancia durante el año en todos los niveles de salud del país. Durante 12 meses, los casos se identificaron mediante el sistema de notificación voluntaria de sospecha de reacciones adversas a medicamentos.

The functioning and main results of the Cuban Drug Surveillance System in the year at all the health care levels throughout the country are described. In that period, cases were identified by the Voluntary Notification of suspected adverse drug reaction System. The National Coordinating Unit of Drug Surveillance received 16 notes on Adverse Drug Reactions that included 33 suspected adverse drug reactions, for a notification rate of 1 reports per 1 pop.

Results were encouraging in the year since the ratio of moderate and. Azitromicina y efectos cardiovasculares notificados al Sistema Cubano de Farmacovigilancia, La FDA alertó sobre un pequeño aumento de la mortalidad y riesgo de muerte en personas tratadas durante 5 días con este antibacteriano, y en el Centro Internacional de Monitoreo de Uppsala también se han registrado casos.

Se trabajó con el universo de pacientes con reacciones adversas a la azitromicina.

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Gray leaves and its inhibition of key enzymes linked to Alzheimer's disease. Gray leaves have long been used to manage neurodegenerative diseases without scientific basis. This study characterized the phenolic constituents, evaluated the antioxidant properties of phenolic extracts from T.

These results reveal the leaf as a rich source of phenolic compounds with antioxidant and cholinesterase inhibitory activity.

Growth performance, nutrient utilization, and feed efficiency in broilers fed Tithonia diversifolia leaf meal as substitute of conventional feed ingredients in Mizoram. The study was for assessment of growth performance, nutrient utilization, and feed efficiency in broilers fed rations with varying levels kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Tithonia diversifolia leaf meal TDLM as a substitute of conventional feed ingredients in Mizoram. The chicks were reared in battery brooders for the first 2 weeks, and thereafter, in well-ventilated deep litter house following standard management protocols.

Feed and drinking water were provided ad libitum to all the groups throughout the experiment. The daily feed intake and weekly body weight gain were recorded, and a metabolic trial for 3 days was conducted at the end of the 6 th week.

Feed consumption decreased for inclusion of TDLM but without any significant differences, except during the 3 rd week where it reduced significantly pbroilers reared under deep litter system of management in Mizoram. Finlay Barres hitos de pensamiento cubano en salud.

AGS Library Pamphlet Files 322 – 364 Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, South America

Se analizan sus posturas y connotación acerca del nexo entre la ciencia y la sociedad. El método investigativo utilizado ha sido la revisión documental en publicaciones periódicas, libros y repositorio de tesis. Destaca en este acercamiento la conmemoración en agosto del centenario de la muerte de Finlay La Habana, 20 de agosto de Por lo cual este sucinto trabajo constituye un homenaje a su obra y, a su vez, al ideario de vanguardia manifiesto en la labor médica de ambos hombres de ciencia.

La simulación como causa de ineficacia jurídica en el Código Civil cubano. Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda un tema que ha adquirido una significativa relevancia a raíz del creciente desarrollo de las relaciones contractuales como expresión de la autonomía de la voluntad.

Con el objetivo de preservar esta especie en la Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas, Cuba se mantiene una población en cautiverio. El manejo de una especie en esta categoría tiene como componente esencial el conocimiento del estado de salud de los animales en las diferentes etapas de la vida. Las muestras se tomaron de 35 ejemplares cautivos clínicamente sanos, divididos en dos categorías: Some Global Comparisons Reprinted from Science vol. Las Islas de Robinson Crusoe. Ciudades atacamenas Apartado del Boletin del Museo Nac.

Bibliography on Tacna-Arica n. Botanical Travel in Chile Chile, vol. Institute of Uppsala, vol. The Chilean Nitrate Industry Trans. Concordia Revista de Educacion No.

General de Parques Nacionales y Turismo. La Argentina como pais algodonero Secretaria de Industria y Comercio. Parana y sus alrededores 2 copies Balmaceda, Raul Contribucion para una bibliografia de bibliografias geograficas sobre Argentina Inter-American Review of Bibliography Beltran, Juan G. Centenario de Corrientes Beltran, Juan G.

Historia de la geografia argentina Beltran, Juan G. Instruccion civica argentina rec di Benedetto, Antonio Pampa humeda y seca. Publicaciones Cervera, Manuel M. Sierras Grandes de Cordoba Coelho, D. Guillermo Memoria presentada al Exmo. Ley de colonizacion No. Contribucion a la morfologia periglacial de la Alta Cordillera con especial mencion del aspecto criopedologico Separata de los Anales del D.

Tomo I Cuaderno 2 Corte, A. Contribucion a la morfologia periglacial especialmente criopedologico de la Republica Argentina Acta Geografica, 14 No.

Argentine; Past, Present and Future. A Lecture 2 copies Corthell, Elmer L. Cultivos practicos en los territorios del norte de la Republica Argentina Delachaux, E. La poblacion de la Republica Argentina Revista de la Univ. Sobre las invasiones de aire polar Anales de la Soc. Una correlacion meteorologica en el sur Anales de la Soc. Die Hauptfaktoren in der Entwicklung des morphologischen bildes der Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon 2 copies Gerth, H. Vorversuche zur drathlosen Langenbestimmung von La Plata Astr.

Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Hermitte, Enrique M. Special Study 4 Hosseus, C. Conditions in Argentina Jannasch, R. Nacional de Cordoba- Facultad de Ciencias No. Argentine Trade Developments Economic Geography vol. Proyectos de ley fomento agricola y educacional Lehmann-Nitsche, R.

Vocabulario Toba Boletin de la Acad. Interpretacion de la periodicidad de las migraciones acridicas Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina t. IV Lombardozzi, V. A proposito de algunas yacimientos minerales en Mendoza Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina t. Waterways of Argentina Lutgens, R. Central verbandes Forderung wirtschaftlichen Interessen H. Hacienda, Economia y Prevision. Observaciones preliminares sobre la distribucion de los sedimentos en la zona externa del Rio de la Plata Separata do vol.

La controversia sobre las escorias y tobas volcanicas de los sedimentos pampeanos y la critica europea Outes, Felix F. Regesta cartografica de la Republica Argentina. Plan de agrupacion sistematica Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, t. Bibliography on the Jurisdiction of the River Plate n. The Name Argentine n. Estudio retrospectiva de la crecida del rio Parana del año Guardacostas, 12 Prohaska, Federico J.

A Fine Modern Capital Outlook, vol. Das Argentinischen Erdbeben Vom Oktober Silvestre, Arturo Nahuel Huapi. Navy Ports of the World Bureau of Navigation. Les sables ferrugineux de Necochea. Contribucion al estudio de la bibliografia de los aborigenes del Uruguay: Informe sobre procedimiento a seguirse para formular un plan regulador de Montevideo Morandi, Luis La nebulosidad en el clima de Montevideo Muzio, Carlo Uruguai rec Mundus Monografia No.

American Association Petroleum Geologists v. Apendice sustitutivo de la seccion 8. Remarks on the Geology of Rio Negro U. Sind Drosera uniflora und Pinguicula antarctica bizentrische Typen? Zur Begrenzung des Magellanischen Florengebietes Zur regionalen Gliederung der Vegetation Patagoniens Guillermo Geography of Tierra del Fuego.

Whale Fishing around the Falklands rec II American Journal of Science vol. I Heft 6 On the Igneous Rocks of the Patagonian Cordillera rec Siemiradzki, Josef Zur Geologie von Nordpatagonien Zur Pflanzengeographie Patagoniens The End of the Continent Eenige voorloopige korte mededeelingen over de resultaten eener reis in de Magelhaenlanden rec Einige Linien der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte Patagoniens im Lichte neuerer Forschungen Jahresbericht des Niedersachsischen geologischen verein zu Hanover Argentina de Estudios Geograficos Naval Institute Hork, Alexander H.

Arnoux in Defense of Capt. Access to the Open Polar Sea. Geographischen Gesellschaft Arctowski, Henryk Les calottes glaciaires des regions antarctiques Arctowski, Henryk Sur la variabilite de la temperature dans les regions antarctiques Arctowski, Henryk Sur l'ancienne extension des glaciers dans la region des terres decouvertes par l'expedition antarctique belge Arctowski, Henryk Sur les icebergs tabulaires des regions antarctiques Arctowski, Henryk Sur les periodes de l'aurore Australe Arctowski, Henryk Y a-T-IL Moyen d'arriver au Pole Sud en Automobile?

Janner Separatabdruck aus den Mitteilungen der k. Extract from Publication No. Reef Corals of the Bahamas and of Southern Florida. Causas del Evidente Atraso de los Mismos. American West Indian Assn.

A Program for the West Indies. War Developments in the West Indies. Reprinted from the Journal of the Washington Academy of Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon vol. Caribbean Tourist Trade Index. A Study of Unemployment and Overcrowding. Institute of British Geographers. Dominican Republic Settlement Assoc.

Concerning Refugee Settlement in the Dominican Republic. Refugee Haven in the Caribbean. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America vol. Administracion de Parques y Recreo Publicos. Plan comprensivo de recreacion al aire libre para Puerto Rico. A Guide for the Newcomer. Report on Finances and Economy. Homesteading in the Virgin Islands to Reprinted from Annals of the Association of American Geographers v.

Op den oceaan voor en na Columbus met een oplossing van het Raadsel van Antilla. Observations faites sur la Soufriere de la Guadeloupe pour servir a l'etude des Apparails eruptifs peleens. Voorlichtingsinstituut voor het welvaartsplan Nederlandse Antillen. Ontwikkelingsplannen voor het Eiland Bonaire. Martinique nach Geschichte, Natur und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung seit seiner Entdeckung. The Written Language of the Ancient Mexicans.

Its Manufacture Varieties, Employment and Uses. An Index for Detecting Rural Underregistration. Historical and Archaeological of kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon National Museum of Mexico.

Central Meteorological Observatory of Mexico. Summary of 16 Years Observations Reforme agraria e industria nueva en un municipio del centro mexicano. Vulkanische Ereignisse in Mexico nach Zeitungsnachrichten I.

El Xipe del Tazumal de Chalchuapa. A Study of Sedimentation in Southern Mexico. Le phenomene des captures: Son importance dans la modification des Bassins Hydrologiques et dans l'accroissement des aires desertiques et semi-desertiques.

Las deficiencias cuantitativas de la poblacion de Mexico y una politica demografica Nacional. Grant by the Government of Mexico to Edward Learned. Extrait de la Revue Linguistique. Generalites sur le climat de Mexico et sur l'eclipse totale de lune du 30 Mars dernier. Ubersichtliche Darstellungen der Verhaltnisse in den Auswanderungslandern.

Die gegenwartigen wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Zustande in den Mexikanischen Staaten Chiapas und Tabasco. Sonderdruck aus den Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bd. Estados Unidos de Centro America. Monografia de las Cinco Republicas de Centro America. Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama. La Conservacion Humana en Centro America.

The International Railways of Central America. Middle America Information Bureau. Societe Royale de Geographie. Rapport sur le concours relatif a la geographie et aux antiquites de l'Amerique Central.

Factors in the Differentiation of Guatemalan Town Squares. Mitteilungen uber die vulkantatigkeit in Guatemala im Jahre Zentralamerika als Arbeitsfeld fur Intelligenzberufe und Gewerbetreibende I. El Presidente de la Republica al Congreso Constitucional. Separata de la Publicacion No. Publica sobre la Actividad del Volcan Irazu. South America and the Far East.

Canal Interoceanique sans ecluses ni tunnels a travers le territoire du Darien entre les golfes d'Uraba et de San Miguel. Descripcion de Panama y su provincia sacada de la relacion que por mandato del Consejo hizo y embio aquella Audiencia Compagne Universelle du Canal Interoceanique de Panama.

Assemblee Generale des Actionnaires 7me Reunion - 29 Juillet Esquema para un analisis de geografia urbana de la primitiva ciudad de Panama. Panama la vieja Seine Geschichte, seine technische Herstellung, seine kunftige Bedeutung.

Rapport Sommaire de la Commission Internationale d'Exploration. The Pan American Highway. American Geographical Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Supplementary List to: Work on South American Place-Names. Financiacion del sistema Panamericano de Carreteras su inauguracion el 12 de octubre de Tramos que faltan aun por abrir o mejorar.

Mediciones e Investigaciones en los Rios Parana y Uruguay kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon fines de navegacion. The Impact of Oil Discoveries. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Reprinted from Bulletin No. Quelque aspects des migrations humaines et de la colonisation en Amerique Latine. Problems and Methods of Estimation. Handbook of Latin American Studies.

Colombia, Peru and Argentina. Regulations for Assignment of Slides. The University of the State of New York. Die Besiedlung des ostlichen Sudamerika mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Deutschtums. Its Aims and Its Needs.

Una sociedad hispanica de naciones en segun el plan de Don Francisco Antonio Cea. Seminar on National Resources and National Planning.

Library of International Relations. Identificacao das areas culturais e dos tipos de kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon na base da ceramica das jazidas arqueologicas. Discours sur les oeuvres d'instructions populaire en Espagne et dans l'Amerique Latine. La remocion del cingulo climaterico como factor del despueble del altiplano y decadencia de su alta cultura. Reprint from Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Americanists, Les courants kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon dans l'Amerique du Sud.

Contribution a l'etude de l'homme fossile Sud-Americain et de son pretendu precurseur le diprothomo platensis. Los fundamentos geograficos de las civilizaciones Andinas y del imperio Incaico. The Latin America Area. Zweiphasige Flussablagerung und zweiphasenverwitterung in den Tropen unter besonderen Berucksichtigung von Surinam. Reprinted from The Caribbean Quarterly, vol. Verslag Van het onderzoek naar den tegenwoordigen toestand van het etablissement der europesche kolonisatie te Groningen aan de Saramacca.

Surinam's Ten-Year Development Program. Asociacion Nacional de Agricultores de la Cana de Azucar. Desarrollo de la Industria Azucarera en Venezuela. Barbara dans les Andes Venezolanas. Comision Cientifica Exploradora del Occidente de Venezuela. Orografia de la Cordillera venezolana de Los Andes. Log of the Flight of the U. Prospectus of the Pacaraima- Venezuela Expedition. Demarcacion de Frontera entre Venezuela y el Brasil.

Contribution a l'etude geologique de la Cordillere Occidentale des Andes de Colombie. Diccionario Turistico de Colombia. Bericht uber meine archaologischen und ethnologischen Forschungsreisen in Kolombien.

Tomado de la Revista Acad. Tirage a part du "Globe" No. Societe de Geographie de Geneve, Athenee, Geneve. Consultation sur Quelques Questions Juridiques.

Contestation de Limites entre l'Equateur et le Perou. Cordonnes geographiques et altitudes des points de la triangulation secondaire de la Region Interandine Centrale de la Republique de l'Equateur.

Determinations kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon l'intensite de la pesanteur faites dans la Republique de l'Equateur au cours de la mission du Service geographique de l'Armee. Carta en defensa de la ciencia geografica, de la honra Nacional, de la propriedad moral y de la via Proano.

Sobre algunas semillas encontradas en el interior de un ajuar funebre en el cementerio prehispanico de Chillon, Peru. Observaciones geologicas en la Region del Terremoto de Ancash de noviembre de Lijeras apuntaciones leidas en el sesion del "Centro Cientifico del Cuzco" sobre algunas yacimientos mineralogicos que se encuentran en las cabeceras del Rio Paucartambo.

Nombres tecnicos que deben excluirse de algunas plantas que existen en el Peru. Nuevos cultivos agricolas e industrias extractivas y manufacturas que pueden establecerse en Loreto. Studies at High Altitudes. Conditions in Peru with Supplementary Background Material. Note sur les accumulations quaternaires des vallees du Chillon, du Lurin et de Chilca. Moyobamba, Peru Archivo Oficial. Documentos encontrados ultimamente en el archivo oficial de la sub-prefectura de Moyobamba que acreditan la posesion del Peru sobre los territorios de Quijos y Canelos.

Addendum to the Hymenoptera Ichneumonoidea. Resa i Perus och Bolivias granstrakter, foretagen med understod af Vega - och Wahlbergsstipendierna. Oficina de Propaganda, Publicaciones y Cultura Dept. The Central Railway of Peru. The Torre Tagle Palace. Conferencia dada en la Sociedad Geografica de Lima en la noche del viernes 28 de diciembre de Contribucion al Estudio de los Recursos Hidraulicos para fuerza motriz en el Peru.

Klima, Besiedlung und Landwirtschaft in den peruanische nordbolivianischen Anden. Une probleme de geomorphologie appliquee: Extraordinarias del Verano de y su Influencia sobre la Agricultura del Departamento de la Libertad.

The Port Problem of the South Pacific. Bolivian Port Restoration League. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, v. The Route to Bolivia via the River Amazon. A Report to the Governments of Brazil and Bolivia. Bistram in den Anden von Bolivien Banco do Nordeste do Brasil. A Carnaubeira e seu Papel como uma Planta Economica.

Así, el nivel de significación obtenido fue igual a 0. La decisión de hacer este trabajo en Oaxaca responde a que ese estado ocupa uno de los primeros lugares de marginación y de desnutrición en menores de 5 años. Enfatizamos el hecho de que la situación socioeconómica y política prevaleciente en el estado de Oaxaca es una limitante para el buen desarrollo de los programas colectivos de salud, e insistimos en la necesidad de compartir nuestras experiencias para que puedan ser utilizadas en la planificación y ejecución de otros proyectos.

La extracción de ADN se hizo a partir de tejido tumoral. A screen of chemical modifications identifies position-specific modification by UNA to most potently reduce siRNA off-target effects. Small interfering RNAs siRNAs are now established as the preferred tool to inhibit gene function in mammalian cells yet trigger unintended gene silencing due to their inherent miRNA-like behavior. It was previously shown that chemical modification of siRNAs can reduce off-targeting but only very few modifications have been tested leaving more to be identified.

Here we developed a luciferase reporter-based assay suitable to monitor siRNA off-targeting in a high throughput manner using stable cell lines. We investigated the impact of chemically modifying single nucleotide positions within the siRNA seed on siRNA function and off-targeting using 10 different types of chemical modifications, three different target sequences and three siRNA concentrations.

We found several differently modified siRNAs to exercise reduced off-targeting yet incorporation of the strongly kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon unlocked nucleic acid UNA modification into position 7 of the siRNA most potently reduced off-targeting for all tested sequences. Notably, such position-specific destabilization kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon siRNA—target interactions did not significantly reduce siRNA potency and is therefore well suited for future siRNA designs especially for applications in vivo where siRNA concentrations, expectedly, will be low.

Learning Astronomy by Playing in a Park.

Aprender Astronomia Brincando em Uma Praça. Some public-square games are presented in this paper, considered as didactic modules to help children imagine astronomical processes, based on the concept that learning in Astronomy should be developed to strengthen the relationship of our body with three-dimensional space and time, much in the same way we experience when observing the actual sky, holding a permanent "dialogue" between the actual world and what is to be learned.

The games presented merry-go-rounds and slides were designed to work on the astronomical concepts related kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon the translation of the Earth around the Sun, the phases of the Moon and gravity, and on what is perceived by an observer about those phenomena. The description of each game, their physical and astronomical foundations, and a critical comment about their didactical importance are the key parts of the paper.

Finally, a recommendation is given about the role teachers should kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon to be essential partners in the process of learning Astronomy by means of the interaction with these games.

Los juegos presentados calesitas y toboganes fueron diseñados para trabajar sobre la traslación de la Tierra en torno al Sol, las fases de la Luna y la gravedad, y sobre lo que un observador percibe de los mismos.

Finalmente, se comenta el rol que deberían tener los docentes en el acompañamiento a los aprendices en el proceso de interacción con los juegos presentados. Revision curricular a partir de un analisis comparativo de las discrepancias en los curriculos de kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon escuela de optometria en Puerto Rico con las competencias requeridas para las agencias de revalida y acreditacion El proposito de esta investigacion, un estudio cualitativo de caso, fue comparar y contrastar el curriculo vigente de la Escuela de Optometria de la UIAPR con las competencias y estandares requeridos por las agencias de acreditacion y de revalida.

Con este proposito, decidimos realizar una revision y un analisis de documentos: Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas para dar apoyo y complementar la revision y el analisis de estos documentos. Esta investigacion se enmarco en el modelo de evaluacion curricular de discrepancia de Malcolm Provus y en el modelo de desarrollo basado en competencias. Uno de los hallazgos mas importantes del estudio es que los cambios que se implantaron al curriculo del no han logrado que los estudiantes mejoren su ejecucion en los examenes de revalida.

Por otro lado, se encontro que el curriculo vigente atiende completamente los estandares de la practica de Optometria, pero no las competencias. Esta informacion fue validada mediante el uso de una tabla de cotejo para el analisis de los cursos y de la informacion obtenida de las entrevistas.

El estudio determina y concluye que existen discrepancias entre los prontuarios de los cursos del curriculo y las competencias requeridas por la agencia de revalida. Segundo, que el Departamento de Ciencias Basicas es el. In this paper will be introduced a method of astrophotography using a non-reflex photographic camera a low-cost method. It will be revised some photographic processes commonly used nowadays for comparison with the aims of this paper.

The Moon Phases in a Paper Box. We present a very simple concrete model to demonstrate the concept of phases of an illuminated body. The main objective of our model is to help the understanding of the Moon phases as viewed from the perspective of an observer on Earth.

The material allows the visualization of two important effects: The use of a closed box allows one to see the contrast among the different phases with no need of a dark room. Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon also present a text on the Moon phases, emphasizing the dependence of the aspect of the bright part on the angle of sight. El principal objetivo de nuestro material es facilitar la comprensión de las fases de la Luna desde la perspectiva de un observador en la Tierra.

El material ayuda la visualización de dos efectos importantes: El uso de una caja cerrada permite observar el contraste entre las diferentes fases sin necesidad de estar en un recinto oscuro. Autoreporte de exposición a publicidad y promoción de tabaco en una cohorte de fumadores mexicanos: Antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del tabaco en Resumen Objetivo Determinar en población fumadora el nivel de exposición a la mercadotecnia por parte de la Industria Tabacalera ITa través de diferentes métodos de promocionar sus productos de tabaco, antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco LGCT kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Resultados Se incremento el autoreporte de recepción de muestras gratis de cigarros 3.

Se observaron decrementos de publicidad en exteriores Conclusión Es necesaria una política integral con prohibiciones totales de la publicidad y promoción de los productos de tabaco que integre mayor vigilancia y sanciones para kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon la disminución y prevención del consumo de tabaco.

An auto-management WebMIS based on workflow for bachelor thesis program is given in this paper. A module used for workflow dispatching is designed and realized using MySQL and J 2 EE according to the work principle of workflow engine. The module can automatively dispatch the workflow according to the date of system, login information and the work status of the user. The WebMIS changes the management from handwork to computer-work which not only standardizes the thesis program but also keeps the data and documents clean and consistent.

New framework of NGN web-based management system. This paper introduces the basic conceptions and key technology of the Ajax and some popular frameworks in the J 2 EE architecture, try to integrate all the frameworks into a new framework. The developers can develop web applications much more convenient by using this framework and the web application can provide a more friendly and interactive platform to the end users.

At last an example is given to explain how to use the new framework to build a web-based management system of the softswitch network. Unas opciones para muestras de la naturaleza. Las muestras de la naturaleza de Puerto Rico: Describir y comprender la Tierra;? Minimizar la perdida de vidas y propiedades por desastres naturales;? Manejar los recursos hidrologicos, biologicos, energeticos y minerales; y? Mejorar y proteger nuestra calidad de vida.

Basic Concepts of Astronomy: In this report, the development of a methodological proposal which approaches basic concepts of astronomy-grounded kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon on Meaningful Learning is described. The proposal, which consists of four meetings, was developed by teachers and academics of the course of Professor in Physics of the University of Passo Fundo UPFthrough an extension course to a group of highschool students of a public school of the town of Passo Fundo, RS.

The work was focused into basic concepts of astronomy. The signs of Meaningful Learning have been obtained by means of research and evaluation tools that were applied at the end of each meeting. The evaluation of the proposal has been conducted by means of a final questionnaire which was answered by the participants at the end ofthe development of activities.

By means of the results obtained from the different instruments, and the comments made by the participants during the activities and by means of the high rates of approval obtained in the final questionnaire, we think that the proposal reached the established goals and it may be repeated with the certainty of success. Los indicios de Aprendizaje Significativo fueron obtenidos por instrumentos de pesquisa y evaluación, siempre aplicados después de cada encuentro.

La evaluación de la propuesta fue hecha a través de un cuestionario final y contestado por los participantes al finalizar el desarrollo de actividades. En este trabajo se presenta uno de los contenidos de la Astronomía y el evidente fracaso en la enseñanza del tema en la escuela secundaria, a pesar del hecho que los documentos oficiales apuntan para la necesidad de trabajar contenidos de Astronomía en este nivel.

El desarrollo de diferentes estrategias en relación con los métodos tradicionales, dirigidas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en este tema fue considerado en este trabajo como uno de los resultados obtenidos a la luz de los referenciales del aprendizaje significativo, tal como fueron fundamentados por Ausubel.

Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de actividad de enseñanza diferenciada con el apoyo de los principios teóricos del aprendizaje significativo aplicado a la enseñanza de las fases de la luna durante las clases de física del ciclo secundario. Pérez Benítez, Carlos I.

Este trabajo revisa los resultados de un estudio epidemiológico llevado a cabo en Chile. Igualmente se analizaron las diferencias del TEPT en cada sexo, así como la exposición a traumas en una muestra representativa de chilenos.

Estos instrumentos fueron administrados en tres ciudades chilenas a personas mayores de 15 años. Desarrollo y validación de una nueva tecnología, basada en arginina al 1. Resalta también la investigación sobre el metabolismo bacteriano, que ha aportado conocimientos sobre la defensa natural oral contra la caries y la base para el desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la prevención diaria y el tratamiento de la caries.

Hay tres conceptos científicos que son fundamentales en las nuevas mediciones para detectar, tratar y monitorear la caries: El fluoruro funciona como factor protector al detener y revertir el proceso de la caries, pero el fluoruro no previene los factores patológicos que inician el proceso. Como los mecanismos de acción de la arginina y el fluoruro son altamente complementarios, se ha desarrollado un nuevo dentífrico que combina la arginina y el fluoruro, y se ha probado clínicamente que brinda una prevención superior contra kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon caries.

Curvas de fusión de regiones genómicas específicas: El diagnóstico y la identificación de la especie infecciosa son factores críticos en el momento de escoger e iniciar el tratamiento. Actualmente, los métodos de diagnóstico y tipificación requieren procedimientos complejos, por lo que es necesario validar nuevos marcadores moleculares y métodos que simplifiquen el proceso.

Los genomas de Leishmania panamensis, L. Las regiones específicas de especie identificadas se validaron mediante PCR. Sin embargo, la validación mediante PCR solo identificó un marcador específico para cada especie de Leishmania.

Los otros marcadores mostraron amplificación cruzada. Las tres regiones seleccionadas pueden emplearse como marcadores moleculares en el diagnóstico y tipificación de las especies causantes de la. CIP enabled mission personnel to access data and images sent back from Mars, staff and event schedules, broadcast messages and clocks displaying various Earth and Mars time zones.

The middleware was designed as a collection of independent, hot-deployable web services, providing secure access to back end file systems and databases. Throughout the middleware we enabled crosscutting capabilities such as runtime service configuration, security, logging and remote monitoring. This paper presents our approach to mitigating the challenges we faced, concluding with a review of the lessons we learned from this project and noting what we'd do differently and why. Research and development of web oriented remote sensing image publication system based on Servlet technique.

Presentation Tier provides user interface for data query, review and download. For the convenience of users, visual spatial query interface is included. Served as a middle tier, Application Service Tier controls all actions between users and databases. Data Resources Tier stores RS images in file and relationship databases. Primary immunodeficiencies PIDs belong to the group of rare diseases. The European Society for Immunodeficiencies ESIDis establishing an innovative European patient and research database network for continuous long-term documentation of patients, in order to improve the diagnosis, classification, prognosis and therapy of PIDs.

The ESID Online Database is a web-based system aimed at data storage, data entry, reporting and the import of pre-existing data sources in an enterprise business-to-business integration B2B.

The online database is based on Java 2 Enterprise System J 2 EE with high-standard security features, which comply with data protection laws and the demands of a modern research platform. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Collaboration among multiple travel agencies and with scenery administration bureaus is vital for small or medium sized travel companies to succeed in the fierce competition of the tourism industry; business processes such as regrouping individual travelers between different agencies prove to be difficult and unpleasant user experience; tourists want to be more informed and have more initiative.

A running implementation of this platform has been put into real business for a small travel company. The history of the journal "Esercitazioni Matematiche" edited by the "Circolo Matematico di Catania" for university students is described. A selection of proposed problems with some of their solutions is reported. Recuerdos de una revolucion cultural Memories of a Cultural Revolution.

Describes elements of the kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon movement in Brazil; paper read at a symposium commemorating the fiftieth anniversay of the Week of Modern Art of Sao Paulo'' held February, at the University of California, Los Angeles, California.

Una Perspectiva de Mexico: Its People, Places and History. Evolving from a general commitment to the goals of cultural pluralism and bicultural education, this portfolio of 24 full color and halftone photographs aims to reinforce those curricular objectives which emphasize a respect for the value and individuality of different cultures and groups, affirm the right of an individual to maintain a bicultural….

Etimologia in una lingua pianificata Etymology in a Planned Language. The dictionary provides not only the etynom of each Esperanto term, but also the etymology of the ethnic language words from which the editor derived the terms in question. La Ciencia de los Antiguos Mexicanos: Fifty-five citations pertaining to the scientific and mathematic development of ancient Mexicans, particularly the Mayas, are given in this select bibliography. The introduction and descriptions of resource libraries in 8 States are in Spanish.

We present the results obtained in a research on the comprehension of basic astronomical concepts, in which students from fifth grade middle school to third grade high school of a public school of the city of Foz do Iguaçu Brazil took part.

A test with 20 multiple-choice questions was applied to indentify the most common conceptions expressed by the students. This test was elaborated based on the literature about misconceptions and covered the following topics: Though a small progress was verified in the proportion of scientifically acceptable answers when comparing the eighth grade of middle school to the fifth, and the third grade of high school to the first, there was an overall predominance of alternative conceptions regarding most of the explored subjects, which persisted up to the last year of secondary school.

The comparison to data found in this research made in other socio-cultural contexts revealed, in many aspects, similar notions and difficulties revealed by the students. Este instrumento de recolección de datos se desarrolló en base a la literatura sobre las concepciones alternativas y trató los siguientes temas: The Universe in a Box: El Universo Representado en Una Caja: O Universo Representado em Uma Caixa: This is a report of an activity of introduction to the study of Astronomy developed with a group of future Physics teachers at a Brazilian public university.

Such activity had kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon goal of giving privileged emphasis to notions of spatiality, alternative conceptions of the participants and the process of interaction among peers, and consisted of the representation, in a three dimensional space, of the models of the universe that the participants had.

The results, which were categorized as miscellaneous, geocentric, heliocentric and acentric models of the universe, were qualitatively analyzed. Analyses of the activity in the perspective of the participants are indicated and additional considerations are made regarding its use as a resource for teaching Astronomy and for teacher training. Esta actividad tuvo como objetivo centrar las nociones de espacialidad, las concepciones alternativas de los participantes y el proceso de interacción entre pares, y consistió en la representación en un espacio tridimensional, de los modelos del universo que los participantes habían.

Los resultados, que se clasificaron en universo miscelania, geocéntrico, heliocéntrico y acentrico, se analizaron cualitativamente. A Diagnostic Assessment for the Teaching of Astronomy. This article aims to present the results of a diagnostic evaluation, used as a tool for collecting data on prior knowledge of scientific concepts needed to understand the topic "Earth and Universe", from a group comprised of 47 students of 6th grade.

The educational method of diagnosing the student's prior knowledge before teaching them is founded on the Meaningful Learning theory, proposed by David Ausubel. The diagnostic evaluation consisted of 25 questions; the answers were analyzed and categorized, making possible their interpretation, which allows us to understand the meanings assigned by the student to these concepts. It follows from the diagnostic evaluation, that the majority of students surveyed had difficulties in exposing scientific concepts on the topic "Earth and Universe" when starting the 6th grade.

However, we identified relevant ideas and representations that contributed to the re-signification of scientific concepts proposed for the teaching of the subject in this grade.

The results of diagnostic evaluation served as reference to the organization of the syllabus, making possible the learning process by matching the sequence of teaching to the students" characteristics and context of the classroom. It is expected that other kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon in this topic can also use the instrument presented in this paper.

La evaluación de diagnóstico consistió en 25 preguntas, las respuestas fueron analizadas y clasificadas objetivando-se su. Learning about the Sky from the Environment: Aprendendo sobre o Céu a Partir do Entorno: Research developed with 95 students of the 6th year of elementary education in a public school of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It was a continuous work from February to Decemberwhich led the students to participate in activities of observation of the environment, specifically the sky, analyzing the changes occurred.

We focused on the study of variations in temperature, rainfall, day length, variations in the size of the shadows and changes in the aspect of the Moon. Our focus of analysis targeted the discussion of the knowledge that these students had about the topics indicated and as they entered the stage during the implementation of the proposal. The results showed a limited perception kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon students have of their environment, however, lately expanded due to the undertaken activities, especially in relation to the Moon.

Working with systematic measure procedures reveals the careful handling of data so that they become understandable to students, and working with the shadows points towards the students first understand how shadows are formed, and then apply this knowledge to Astronomy. Finally, we conclude that the lived process consisted of an initial step of a work that should be encouraged for the subsequent years of training of these students. Fue un trabajo continuo, de febrero a diciembre deque llevó a los estudiantes a participar en actividades de observación de su entorno, entre ellas, el cielo, analizando los cambios ocurridos.

Nos centramos en el estudio de las variaciones en la temperatura, las precipitaciones, la duración del día, las variaciones en el tamaño de las sombras y los cambios en los aspectos de la Luna. Los resultados mostraron una. The distributed computing runs from high performance parallel computing, Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon computing, to an environment where idle CPU cycles and storage space kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon numerous networked systems are harnessed to work together through the Internet.

In this work we focus on building an easy and affordable solution for computationally intensive problems in scientific applications based on existing technology and hardware resources. This system consists of a series of controllers. When a job request is detected by a monitor or initialized by an end user, the job manager launches the specific job handler for this job. The job handler pre-processes the job, partitions the job into relative independent tasks, and distributes the tasks into the processing queue.

The task handler picks up the related tasks, processes the tasks, and puts the results back into the processing queue. The job handler also monitors and examines the tasks and the results, and assembles the task results into the kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon solution for the job request when all tasks are finished kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon each job. A resource manager configures and monitors all participating notes.

A distributed agent is deployed on all participating notes to manage the software download and report the status. The processing queue is the key to the success of this distributed system.

It guarantees the message delivery and has the message priority and re-try features so that the tasks never get lost. The entire system is built on the J 2 EE technology and it can be deployed on heterogeneous platforms. It can handle algorithms and applications developed in any languages on any platforms. J 2 EE adaptors are provided to manage and communicate the existing applications to the system so that the applications and algorithms running on Unix, Linux and Windows can all work together.

This system is easy and fast to develop based on the industry's well-adopted technology. It is highly scalable and heterogeneous. This article, also available in Spanish, describes what happened when a bilingual kindergarten class in West Liberty, Iowa, investigated a combine. The dual-language Kindergarten program supports content area instruction in both Spanish and English. The first part of the article tells the story of the Combine Project, this class's first project…. The Chinese material medica resources CMMR national survey information management system has collected a large amount of data.

To help dealing with data recheck, reduce the work of inside, improve the recheck of survey data from provincial and county level, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medical has designed a data checking system for Chinese material medica resources survey based on J 2 EE technology, Java language, Oracle data base in accordance with the SOA framework.

It includes single data check, check score, content manage, check the survey data census data with manual checking and automatic checking about census implementation plan, key research information, general survey information, cultivation of medicinal materials information, germplasm resources information the medicine information, market research information, traditional knowledge information, specimen information of this 9 aspects 20 class indicators in two aspects of the quantity and quality.

The established system assists in the completion of the data consistency and accuracy, pushes the county survey team timely to complete the data entry arrangement work, so as to improve the integrity, consistency and accuracy of the survey data, and ensure effective and available data, which lay a foundation for providing accurate data support for national survey of the Chinese material medica resources CMMR results summary, and displaying results and sharing.

Multimedia content analysis and indexing: Multimedia search engines facilitate the retrieval of documents from large media content archives now available via intranets and the Internet. Over the past several years, many research projects have focused on algorithms for analyzing and indexing media content efficiently. However, special system architectures are required to process large amounts of content from real-time feeds or existing archives.

Possible solutions include dedicated distributed architectures for analyzing content rapidly and for making it searchable. The system architecture we propose implements such an approach: Our distributed media analysis application handles media acquisition, content processing, and document indexing. This collection of modules is orchestrated by a task flow management component, exploiting data and pipeline parallelism in the application.

A scheduler manages load balancing and prioritizes the different tasks. Workers implement application-specific modules that can be deployed on an arbitrary number of nodes running different operating systems.

Promising Prospects in Mobile Search: Heras Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon, María de las Caracterización del estado actual del. Y CONCEPCIÓN, CHILE, DURANTE LOS INTERVALOS de densidades medias de Mestrado, Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, 84 p.

Each application module is exposed as a web service, implemented with industry-standard interoperable middleware components such as Microsoft ASP.

Our system architecture is the next generation system for the multimedia indexing application demonstrated by www. It can process large volumes of audio recordings with minimal support and maintenance, while running on low-cost commodity hardware.

The system has been evaluated on a server farm running concurrent content analysis processes. Designing complex multi-tier applications that must meet strict performance requirements is a challenging software engineering problem. Ideally, the application architect could derive accurate performance predictions early in the project life-cycle, leveraging initial application design-level models and a description of the target software and hardware platforms. To this end, we have developed a capacity planning tool suite for component-based applications, called Revel8tor.

The tool adheres to the model driven development paradigm and supports benchmarking and performance prediction for J 2 EE. Net and Web services platforms. The suite is composed of three different tools: Together, the tool suite can assist capacity planning across platforms in an automated fashion.

Java and an object model derived from the domain model weil address the application layer of the archive system. However, since RDBMS is the best proven technology for data management, the challenge is the paradigm mismatch between the object and the relational models. Transparent object-relational mapping ORM persistence is a successful solution to this challenge.

In the data modeling and persistence implementation of NSA, we are using Hibernate, a well-accepted ORM tool, to bridge the object model in the business tier and the relational model in the database tier. Thus, the database is isolated from the Java application.

kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon

We present the detailed design of the NSA R3 Release 3 data model and object-relational persistence, including mapping, retrieving and caching. Persistence layer optimization and performance tuning will be analyzed. The system is being built on J 2 EEso the integration of Hibernate into the EJB container and the transaction management are also explored. Small RNA molecules play important roles in many biological processes and their dysregulation or dysfunction can cause disease.

The current method of choice for genome-wide sRNA expression profiling is deep sequencing. Here we present Oasis 2, which is a new main release of the Oasis web application for the detection, differential expression, and classification of small RNAs in deep sequencing data. Compared to its predecessor Oasis, Oasis 2 features a novel and speed-optimized sRNA detection module that supports the identification of small RNAs in any organism with higher accuracy.

Next to the improved detection of small RNAs in a target organism, the software now also recognizes potential cross-species miRNAs and viral and bacterial sRNAs in infected samples. In addition, novel miRNAs can now be queried and visualized interactively, providing essential information for over high-quality miRNA predictions across 14 organisms.

Robust biomarker signatures can now be obtained using the novel enhanced classification module. Oasis 2 enables biologists and medical researchers to rapidly analyze and query small RNA deep sequencing data with improved precision, recall, and speed, in an interactive and user-friendly environment. It is freely available at https: The insecure direct object reference simply represents the flaws in the system design without the full protection mechanism for the sensitive system resources or data.

It basically occurs when the web application developer provides direct access to objects in accordance with the user input. So any attacker can exploit this web vulnerability and gain access to privileged information by bypassing the authorization. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate the real effect and the identification of the insecure direct object references and then to provide the feasible preventive solutions such that the web applications do not allow direct object references to be manipulated by attackers.

The experimental result shows that the access control check for gaining access to privileged information is a very simple problem but at the same time its correct implementation is a tricky task. The paper finally presents some ways to overcome this web vulnerability. Virtual reality applied kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon teletesting. The activity "Virtual Reality applied to Teletesting" is related to a wider European Space Agency ESA initiative of cost reduction, in particular the reduction of test costs.

Reduction of costs of space related projects have to be performed on test centre operating costs and customer company costs. This can accomplished by increasing the automation and remote testing "teletesting" capabilities of the test centre. Main problems related to teletesting are a lack of situational awareness and the separation of control over the test environment. The objective of the activity is to evaluate kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon use of distributed computing and Virtual Reality technology to support the teletesting of a payload under vacuum conditions, and to provide a unified kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon interface for the monitoring and control of payload, vacuum chamber and robotics equipment.

The Graphical User Interface runs as an applet in a Web browser, enabling easy access from virtually any place. Una Colonia de Obreros: A Colony of Workmen: The article gives a brief overview of the Mexicano experience in East Chicago, Indiana during the s and characterizes it within the context of the Mexicano unskilled laborer experience in a region where productive increases were of tantamount importance.

Historia de vidas de profesoras de ciencias: Hacia una ensenanza cientifica de calidad. The purpose of this research was to capture the memories, practices, thoughts and philosophies of education that four experienced Science teachers have accumulated through the years. The life story qualitative research design was used in order to collect more meaningful information from the participants amenable to in depth analysis and interpretation. The life stories interviews were conducted using an interview protocol especially designed for the study.

The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The questions that guided this research are: What are the meanings that science teachers give to their educational practices?

How did the life experiences of the participants contribute to their success as science teachers? How did the participants' educational practices change and evolve over time? What does teaching science mean in the life of the participants? Which reflections arise from the work of the participants that impact the teaching of science?

What are the participants' conceptions about teachers' professional development? What are the participants' contributions to the field of scientific education? Wolcott's DAI analytical model was used for the analysis of the information and the narratives were written following the three dimensions of the model: According to the life stories of the participants, being a teacher requires more than teaching the content.

To be a successful and an exemplary science teacher, they have to live the teaching vocation, with dedication, passion, commitment and love for teaching, for students and science; teachers have to give their best for the students, even if it means making personal sacrifices; they should keep updated in knowledge content and in educational innovations strategies ; emphasizing both the theoretical and the practical aspects in the field of science, and being an inspirational guide for students.

Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon the history of La Cabana kindergarten, which provides preschool education and meals for children and sewing classes for mothers in a working class neighborhood in Bogota, Colombia. Describes the implementation of a new curriculum which develops child creativity through free choice of activities around a common project. Una experiencia europea de innovacion pedagogica basada en la escritura de un ibro.

Describes a European project based on writing a book from an educational perspective. Participants included 18 schools from 13 countries. The study originated in a Spanish Comenius 3. Sistemas Eolicos Pequenos para Generacion de Electricidad: Una guia para consumidores en Kc concepcion y paulo avelino que datanon Mexico in Spanish.

A New Mexico Consumer's Guide provides consumers with information to help them determine whether a small wind electric system can provide all or a portion of the energy they need for their home or business based on their wind resource, energy needs, and economics.

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